Sister Abish Curtis

November 2012- May 2014

Monday, April 15, 2013

Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Oh What a Beautiful Day!

I just finished watching General Conference yesterday so I'm still on a high from that (hopefully this general conference high will last for approximately 6 months). We are so blessed to have inspired men, called of God to represent Him here on the earth. I know President Monson is a prophet of God. I know the 12 apostles and all the other leaders have received their power and authority directly from God. As I watched General Conference I felt the Holy Spirit testifying that the things that were spoken were true. I feel closer to God. I feel uplifted, edified and strengthened.

Here in the Philippines there is no channel that you can tune into on the TV to watch conference. Most people don't have computers to watch it on. The regular ward buildings don't have the big satellite dishes, so the whole Stake gathered together at the Stake Center to watch it. It was fun. You could either watch it in Tagalog or English. I bet your not surprised to hear I watched it in English.

Something that was funny about General Conference though, was seeing all of those people in the choirs. They were so white, and so many of them had blond hair. I guess I've just gotten used to only seeing Filipinos all the time, because it was weird seeing so many Americans.

Yesterday was my 5 months mark. I can't believe it. The idea that time passes so fast is not a new concept to me, yet it still catches me by surprised. The worst part about time going so fast is that it means there is so little time remaining. Also I was hoping to be fluent at this point of my mission. I still have far to go, but I know it will come.

Missions are the best. I would suggest it to everyone. There has never been a better time in the history of the world to be a missionary.

P.S. They have just announced a new mission leadership position: Sisters Training Leader. Sisters will never be District leaders, or Zone Leaders, or assistants to the President. But because of how many more Sisters there are now, it is necessary for this new position. Exciting time.

Thanks for your prayers and support!
Sister "5 Months" Curtis

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