Sister Abish Curtis

November 2012- May 2014

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Welcome to the Bukad

Once upon a morning, me and Sister Ocampo were walking to one of our appointments when we heard a woman call "Sisters! Sisters!" We went back to talk to her. Her name is Maila Mawla and she asked if we knew an Elder Hendrickson, or something. Turns out the Elders used to teach her and her family forever ago. She remembers the one Elder being really nice, and she told us she had had his contact information, but she lost it. We were sorry we couldn't help her find him, but we were happy to teach her again. She told us she lived far out in the bukad of Green Village (The English equivalent of bukad is maybe 'out in the country'. It is the word for the fields and the places where there are not so many houses). We told her that we had plans to teach someone out in that same bukad later. She knew who we were going to and she said that she would maybe meet us there because her house was even farther than that.
Well that afternoon went to the before mentioned bukad and taught our lessons, but Maila Mawla was not there. We decided to go look for her. We asked some kids if they knew her and they pointed us down a road. As we walked down the road we would occasionally ask people if they knew Maila Mawla and they kept telling us to keep going. We walked deeper and deeper into the most beautiful bukad I have ever seen. The rice fields were green and beautiful. The distant clouds and mountains were beautiful. The weather was perfect. The people were friendly and the houses cute. Even the carabou there were the most perfect carabou I have ever seen. As we continued walking the houses became scarce and the people even more scare. We ran of people to ask for directions. We called "Tao po!" at the the houses, but no one was home. Eventually the road that we had been walking on, which was still big enough for a trike to drive on, ended at a house. The only response to our calls were the dogs.    Near the house was a smaller path that was only large enough for walking. At this point we knew that the town and highway in front of us was much closer than the one we had left behind, so we decided to keep going. We had to cross a narrow pass over a small body of water, through the walkways between the rice fields, and pass a couple of other empty houses. Until at last we found some people. A cute old little couple. We told them about Jesus Christ and modern day prophets. They told us that we were indeed close to the highway. They also told us that the house were the road ened was the house of Maila Mawla. But since it was getting later and we didn't want to be out there when it got dark, we decided to just keep going. We made it to the next town which is were our next appointment was anyways. Our little adventure/journey in the bukad lasted about an hour, and I loved every minute of it. But I didn't have my camera so I can't send you any pictures. But maybe I will send you pictures of my companion in another bukad.
Another bukad story, in another bukad. On of our other investigators, Sister Neri lives near the bukad in Jefmin. After we finished our lesson to Sister Neri we told her we were going to the house of someone she knew, who we had met near her house. She told us she knew a shortcut to get to his house. Turns out the shortcut was through the bukad, through the walkway between the newly planted rice fields. But because it had recently rained the walkway was very muddy. Sister Neri being a light little Philipina had no trouble crossing. But me and my companion sunk into the mud as we crossed. I may have lost both my shoes, and had to pull them out of the mud. It was fun. And worth it. The house that she lead us to is the house of a family who is interested in listening to us. They are a family that we are hoping will be the answer to our prayers for a golden investigator.
Love you all! But I love Jesus more.
Sister Abish 'Bukad" Curtis

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