I feel a little hesitant writing about this, because it is a little personal and there is such a wide variety of people who read my emails/blogs... but I want you to be able to understand a more complete picture of what it is like to be a missionary. A big part of your missionary life is who you spend it with: your companion.
I love Sister de Guzman. I am so lucky to have her as my companion. Our time together as been part of the best time of my mission. I am so happy with her. Even the members talk about how well we get along together, and it's true. This week I have taught her how to beat box. She knows the name of everyone in my family, and I know the names and stories off all 11 of her brothers and sisters. We have accomplished so much good in our area, and we love our work. I could go on and on about all the things I love about my amazing companion. But the thing is, the more you love, care and trust someone, the more potential they have to hurt you. That's what happened to us this week. Here is what happened:
There was some mis-communication, or rather lack of communication. I said something that really hurt her feelings. I could tell she was upset, but I didn't see the connection to her mood and what I said until too late. After a silent lunch and language study we headed off to our first lesson of the afternoon. She said something that was an obvious clue to what she was feeling, but I for some reason didn't understand until halfway through our lesson. I had to wait until after the lesson before I could offer her a sincere apology and promise that I hadn't meant what I said. I felt so bad about it for the rest of the day. I apologized a time or two before the end of the day, and she assured me it was okay.
But like I said before, the more you love someone the more potential they have to hurt you. I had really hurt Sister de Guzman, and I had lost some of her trust. Usually she is patient with my many weakness, but something else I did the next day got her upset with me again.
I could tell she was upset again, so before we got to our next lesson I had us stop there in the street so we could talk about it. She felt like I didn't trust her (which is crazy because I trust her more than any other companion I've had) and she said I had lost her trust. I was hurt by what she said. We apologized, we talked about what we could do to fix it. She suggested we go teach, so we went and taught for the rest of the day. That didn't fix it. Our ward missionary could barley tell that something was wrong, but we could tell. I had a hard time concentrating in lessons. After we dropped off our ward missionary at the end of the night we made the long walk home in an intense silence. This is not the first time I've had a companion who is mad enough not to talk to me, but this is the first time I was effected so much by it. I was angry and hurt. I was mad at her, but at the same time I missed her so much.
When we got home we sat down and worked it out. There was crying, there was explaining and clarifying. There was apologizing. There was hearts softening. And at last there was laughing again.
I don't think any of it would have been such a big deal if it weren't for how close we are, and how much we really do love and care for each other. But, now our friendship is stronger than ever. It's funny how that works. No one's perfect. But if you really love someone you will focus more on the things you like about them than the things you don't.
On a different note...
Tintin was baptized!!!! She is the cutest 10 year old ever. She already has a best friend at church, and lots of good fellow shippers. She has been to the our last two baptisms, so she was already a pro at knowing how things go.
I love missionary work!!!
Love you lots and lots!
Sister "I love my companion" Curtis
Pictures: From the baptism, and also a 96 year old man that I met.